Local Area Info
Below are some local area links with information on the local cities, county, local attractions, schools and more.
Local Government
City of Raleigh, NC
Website for the city of Raleigh North Carolina - Pay bills, Learn what's going on around the city, Find out zoning, and more. Raleigh, Nc Real Estate
Durham Convention & Visitors Bureau
City of Durham North Carolina website. Home of Duke and North Carolina Central universities. Find out the latest news around this colorful, creative, and entrepreneurial community. Durham, Nc Real Estate
Carolina Hurricanes
A young National Hockey Team that has made some big changes the past couple of years and is almost ready to start the new season in which they hope to bring home the stanely cup. Raleigh, Nc Real Estate
Carolina Panthers
A strong NFL team ready to dominate the league for the 07-08 season and bring home the Championship ring. Raleigh, Nc Real Estate
City Life. Carolina Style
Find everything from live music and concerts to hockey and football games, to clubs and other attractions for the night life. Raleigh, Nc Real Estate
Comedy Clubs
Check out Raleigh's Comedy Clubs. Where veteran and new comedians come to test out new material. Raleigh, Nc Real Estate
Raleigh Tourism
This site will help you find the events and attractions for Raleigh, Nc. This is Raleigh's official Tourism site.
North Carolina State University's official website. Browse this site and check out classes, prices, scheduals, events and other useful information.
Wikipedia Page for Raleigh
This page has interesting facts and goes deep into the history of Raleigh, NC. This page has information on the city council, crime, climate geography and other categories.
Local Weather